Care Home Services
Reliability and safety is paramount when using the variety of hoist equipment now available in your care centre.
Keeping residents safe from harm is vital and equal to the well-being of your nursing staff using the equipment.
Not only can HC Alto supply a chosen item of equipment but we can also service and maintain it via our experienced team of factory trained engineers and satisfy all your regulative requirements at the same time. We can also inspect all slings and harnesses used in conjunction with the type of hoists used.
All LOLER and regulative responsibilities will be taken care of and comprehensive service records maintained on all equipment for ease of future reference and inspection.
To discover more information on this specialist service please contact HC Alto.
Bath Hoists
Providing essential care for all residents when it comes to bathing is paramount.
The safe and careful handling of your residents depending on their individual needs can always be a challenge for them as well as the well-being of your nursing staff.
Making sure all the equipment is well maintained, serviced and reliable is essential for the safe running of any care centre so let HC Alto help manage this for you.
Our experienced team of engineers can routinely satisfy your regulative requirements and build this service into all our care centre packages including 24-hour breakdown protection.
Please get in touch to see how we can help HC Alto.